A Level Results Summary 2023

We would like to congratulate all Birkdale students on their A level results. One in five students achieved all their grades at A*/A with 70% of the entries achieving A*/B grade.

With the government deciding that grades would return to pre-pandemic levels this year, we were delighted that 93% of our students achieved places at their chosen university.

Our students move on to a wide range of courses at some of the country’s most prestigious universities with 62% of students securing places at those in the Russell group.

Among this year’s notable achievements:

  • 2 students gained places at Oxford University. Daniel will read Earth Sciences and Orla Chemical Engineering.
  • 11 students will study Medicine at a variety of universities including: Abubakr (University College London); Saheeb (King’s College London); Yasmin (Nottingham); Megan (Bristol); Salahudeen (Manchester); Ivan (Newcastle); Baraney (Cardiff); Aamir (Leicester); Ved (Liverpool); Ed (Sheffield) and Luke (UEA).
  • 25 students will study STEM related subjects (excluding medicine). This includes 2 students studying Chemical Engineering, Orla (Oxford) and Adam (Imperial). Arush will study Aerospace Engineering at Imperial. 3 students will study Physics: William (Lancaster); Bilal (Sheffield) and James (Durham).
  • In the arts Nathaniel will attend Urdang at City, University of London, one of the UK’s finest performing arts colleges. Henry will study Fine Art at Edinburgh University in 2024.
  • 17 students will study Business or Economics, testament to the highly successful department at Birkdale.
  • 6 students will study Law.
  • There is a huge array of other chosen courses including: Accounting; Architecture; Midwifery; Psychology; Physiotherapy; Sports Performance and Modern Languages.

Peter Harris, Birkdale School Head, said

“On behalf of our entire Birkdale family, I send my congratulations to our students on their results. We have prepared them to be kind and considerate young people, well equipped for their life beyond Birkdale.

Whatever path they choose I know they are ready for their future studies, apprenticeships or work and will contribute positively to society with independence and confidence.”

A-Level Results Past and Present

Grades 2022 2021 2020 2019
A* 14% 40% 26% 13%
A*/A 41% 76% 57% 41%
A*- B 70% 92% 82%  64%
A* – C 86% 98% 96% 92%
A* – E 100% 100% 100% 99%